Oene van Geel - violin, viola
Ig Henneman - viola, compositions
Alex Waterman - cello
Wilbert de Joode - double bass
Founded in 1993, the Henneman String Quartet is an improvising chamber ensemble which combines contemporary composition with an essential element of improvisation. Its music is informed by the major trends in the 20th century notated music as well as by diverse genres like pop and jazz. Ig Henneman's compositions draw also much inspiration from poetry of different languages and cultures.
The Henneman String Quartet has performed in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, the USA, Canada and Slovenia.
(...) The tension between composition and improvisation and between tradition and innovation creates an uncommon music that knows few equivalents in the world of contemporary jazz music.
-- Emanuel Wenger
(...) The difficult task of integrating composition and improvisation is carried out with aplomb by this group: they actually make it sound easy. (…) Everything that happens makes logical sense, and this is music that reveals rich layers of detail upon repeated listenings.
-- Eugene Chadbourne
(…) Le quatuor se signale d'abord par sa cohérence, l'ensemble se déplace comme porté par la même onde ; c'est une masse sonore en constant mouvement d'où émergent indéfiniment des formes différentes au grè d'un développement dont on ne connaît la logique qu'ensuite.
-- Noël Tachet
CD’s Henneman String Quartet
Strepen. Music and Image in Concert (CD+DVD) (Wig 10) 2004
Piazza Pia (Wig 07) 2002
Pes (Wig 05) 1999