Ab Baars - clarinet, tenor saxophone
Wilbert de Joode - contrabass
Martin van Duynhoven - drums
Since 1990, Baars has been heading the Ab Baars Trio, along with fellow Dutch musicians Martin van Duynhoven (drums) and Wilbert de Joode (bass).
All three have long and varied musical histories that encompass both the world of jazz and many points on the musical spectrum beyond, working with everyone from pianist Cecil Taylor and guitarist-composer Fred Frith to fellow Dutch avant punks the Ex.
While a connection between these ventures seems negligible, there is a strong common denominator throughout; the commitment to improvisation. With this emphasis and the endless possibilities it yields, it’s not surprising that Baars views music as an idiom beyond the reaches of neat-fitting names.
“ Music shouldn’t be about labels. I get inspiration from music, paintings, sculptures, owls, the wind, poetry, sounds of cars, actors, etc., etc., and this I try to canalise into original music. And till this day improvisation has been the best form to do this,” says Baars.
The Ab Baars Trio embodies the heights improvisational music can scale. The trio glides effortlessly between delicately detailed and gently intricate work and the geometrically grandiose, but never falls prey to sneering gaudiness. The trio’s creations, when at their peak, are transcendent works created by true soulmates of sound.
Catching the trio live will afford the opportunity to encounter this spirit at it’s pinnacle. For Baars, the live experience is meant to be just that – an experience.
--Barb Stewart
The Ab Baars Trio has performed in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Hungary, France, Sweden, Slovenia, Switzerland, USA and Canada.
2013 Ab Baars Trio Tour Europe > see concerts
2012 Ab Baars Trio > see concerts
2011 Ab Baars Trio & NY Guests –Invisible Blow– European Tour November 10 – 27 > see concerts
2011 5 CD Box Set ‘20 years Ab Baars Trio’ (Wig 20)

This anniversary CD-box set will be released in a limited edition during the Invisible Blow tour. It contains a selection of CD- releases by the Ab Baars Trio over the past twenty years, plus the CD ‘Gawky Stride’ with new compositions by Ab Baars. The CD-Box set also contains an additional booklet 'Ab Baars Trio 20 years (and Counting)' by Kevin Whitehead. This booklet with essay by Kevin Whitehead, photo’s, discography and chronology is also separately available.
Price: € 35,- | on sale at the concerts or order at: info@stichtingwig.com
2010 Ab Baars Trio > see concerts
2009 Ab Baars Trio & Ken Vandermark Tour Canada/USA > see concerts
2007 Ab Baars Trio & Ken Vandermark Tour Europe > see concerts
2006 Ab Baars Quartet Kinda Dukish Tour USA/Canada/Europe > see concerts
2005 Ab Baars Trio concerts in the Netherlands
2004 Ab Baars Quartet plays the music of Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish > see concerts
2003 Tour Ab Baars Trio USA Canada October 17th - November 4th
10 Years Ab Baars Trio. A concert serie with guests Misha Mengelberg, Guus Janssen, Ig Henneman, Mariëtte Rouppe van de Voort, released on Party at the Bimhuis, Wig 09
2001 The Boxers. A program on boxing, with singers Ilse van de Kasteelen and Han Buhrs.
1999 Songs. Ab Baars Trio plays the music of North American Indians. > see discography Ab Baars
1998 Tour with trombonist Roswell Rudd.
1997 A Free Step. Ab Baars Trio plays the music of John Carter. > see discography Ab Baars
1996 Opening of the Amsterdam Cultural Season. A performance with choreographer Beppie Blankert.
1996 A collaboration with the Nieuw Ensemble, shakuhachi player Iwamoto and conductor Butch Morris at the festival IMPROVISATIES/Improvisaties
1996 Tour with trombonist Roswell Rudd
1995 Tour with soprano saxophonist Steve Lacy
> stichting wig