Wibert de Joode - Olo


- Note d'ecoute 114 du lunedi 9 decembre 2002

Très belle confrontation solo pour cet instrument gigantesque qu¹il faut supporter, étreindre, empoigner, épouser, frotter, rudoyer, cogner. Forcément très physique. Dix-sept exercices de styles soignés. En postures ouvertes. Dix-sept méditations tant internes qu¹externes. Caverneuses ou solaires. Toutes cordes rentrées et lissées ou échevelées et tentaculaires. Ring ou alcôve. Sens fustigés ou caressés. Roseaux balayés " entrefouettés " ou gros chêne sonore en démantibulation. Brouillons sentimentaux chiffonnés en boule, ou tracés épistolaires limpides et aériens. Belle prestance.
(Pierre Hemptinne, Mons / Charleroi)

- Strings & Things in the Bass Clef

The seventeen short solo pieces performed by bassist Wilbert de Joode vary in length from 1:39 to 4:28 and demonstrate concepts or attitudes that his imagination can draw from this instrument. Ranging from simple riff-like plucking through abstract plaintive song bowing to scrape/ knock/ rattle conversations utilising both sides of the bow, he illustrates a wide ranging dialogue hinting at his powerful presence.

Ig Hennemann describes this music thus: "Ša suite of improvised, short, wayward, witty, gloomy, beautiful and freakish bass solo's played on a chamber bass G.F. Lott ± 1840 with gut strings using a self built bow and demonstrating all kinds of pizzicato techniques". A superb recital captured by recordist Dick Lucas. 'Nuff said!
Bill Smith